
The Origin of Christmas Lights

The tradition of placing lights on homes during Christmas traces its origins back to the use of candles in early church celebrations. Those candles were intended to picture the truth that Jesus Christ is the "light of the world." Indeed, in John 8:12 Jesus states, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

In the 17th century, German Christians began decorating their Christmas trees with candles. This practice represented the light of Christ breaking into a dark world. Others have suggested that candles represented the star that led the wise men to Christ.

With the advent of residential electricity in the late 19th century, the tradition shifted from candles to electric lights. In 1882, Edward H. Johnson, an associate of Thomas Edison, created the first known electrically lit Christmas tree in New York City. This innovation eventually led to the adoption of string lights for decorating homes.

By the early 20th century, electric Christmas lights became widely available, and the practice of decorating homes with lights grew in popularity. This trend was particularly notable in the United States — but spread to other parts of the world.

Today, Christmas lights are placed on homes as a holiday tradition. But Christians do well to remember the spiritual significance behind the tradition. Christmas lights should serve as a reminder of the true "reason for the season"—the birth of Jesus Christ. In him alone we find eternal life. He is indeed the “light of men” and the light that “shineth in darkness” (John 1:4,5).

Do you know Christ as your Savior? We invite you to read more at the links below.

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Christ, The Greatest Gift of All

Pastor Robert Hammond

Over the years, I have read innumerable Christmastime articles that reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.  Predictably,  they contend that Christmas is less about receiving gifts and more about time for family, reflection, and, of course, for giving gifts. 

That all sounds good.  But, I really like to receive gifts.  

One Christmas season, I was invited to share the story of the best gift that I ever received.  A friend invited me to share my story with a woman in his family who has been fighting a terminal illness.   I quickly accepted the invitation to visit her at a local nursing home.

When I entered her room, I introduced myself and prayed with her. Then, I began telling her the story of the most wonderful gift that I had ever received.

I told her how, when I was a boy, a man took a book and told me the story of a Father who understood the importance of giving like no one else.  The man described a Father who was so concerned for others that he was willing to send his only son to die for them. 

I told her how that Father’s gift was motivated by unfathomable love.  And I told her that his son shared that love so perfectly that he was willing to shed his blood and to die for me. 

Puzzled, the women in the hospital bed turned away.  And then she turned back toward me. 

I explained that the book that was read to me was the Bible. And I explained that Father who was described to me is God the Father.   I continued that the son who was offered by his own Father is the long-prophesied Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I explained that God the Father sent his son both to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem and to die on the cross at Calvary – exactly as had been prophesied in the Scriptures.  And I told her why he did that:  According the Bible, I am a sinner.  Because of that, I deserve death – eternal separation from God.  But, according to the Bible, “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

I told her that I had received that gift and I explained how she might receive it, too.  I explained that the Bible teaches that our good works aren’t good enough to earn forgiveness.

I told her how Jesus said, “ye must be born again.”   And I told her that Peter, the Apostle, said, “Repent (turn away from sin) … and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.” I explained that Salvation is a free gift that must simply be received by turning away from sin and by placing one’s faith in Christ. 

That night, she too decided to receive the greatest gift that I have ever received – the gift of eternal salvation.  She prayed and received Christ as her Savior. Because of her decision to receive Christ, she may know with certainty that, whenever her battle with illness ends, she will be in Heaven with her Savior.  That’s a great Christmas gift indeed.

Have you received the greatest gift of all – the Lord Jesus Christ?    

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)